§ 36-2. Regulations.  

Latest version.
  • Garage sales in the incorporated Village of Huntington Bay shall be regulated in the following manner:
    Definition. The term "garage sale" is defined as any public sale of personal property.
    Hours. Garage sales shall not commence before 9:00 a.m. and must terminate by 6:00 p.m.
    No person shall conduct more than two garage sales on his premises in any one calendar year. A person may have two three-day sales or one six-day sale.
    Merchandise. Garages sales shall offer only used, unwanted items of personal property owned by the resident of the property where the sale is held. No new merchandise shall be offered for sale nor may new merchandise from other sources be brought in and offered for sale.
    Garage sales may be advertised through the newspaper or other news media. A sign not greater in size than two square feet may be installed on the property where the sale is being conducted.
    No sign shall be placed on the public right-of-way or on property other than where the sale is being conducted. No lighted sign shall be used.
    The sign shall be displayed only during the sale and shall be promptly removed after the sale.
    Zoning and parking. It is not the intention of this chapter to change, amend or otherwise make inapplicable the provisions of the Building Zone Ordinance and Traffic Ordinance, including parking, stopping and standing.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 91, Zoning, and Ch. 84, Vehicles and Traffic.
    It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to conduct any sale commonly known as a "garage sale" without first having received a permit therefor.
    Upon application, either in person or by mail or by telephone, the Village Clerk is authorized to issue such a permit.
    The permit shall set forth the name, address and date of sale.
    There shall be a fee of $5 for the said permit.